Deputy Minister of Police Launches the Campus Safety Training 

Deputy Minister Bongani Mkongi (grey suit) at the Launch of the Campus Safety Training

The Campus Safety Support Services NPC hosted the launch of the Campus Safety Training Program at the Stellenbosch University Business School in Welgemoed, Cape Town recently.

Various stakeholders including Campus Safety personnel and Student Affairs personnel from various institutions of higher learning attended the event.

In his opening address Mr Bongani Mkongi MP, Deputy Minister of Police welcomed the initiative and emphasized the need for the re-training of the current campus safety personnel to be able to effectively deal with the combatting of campus crimes to create a safe environment conducive for learning.

The Deputy Minister of Police has been publicly recognized as a champion in the fight against violent campus crimes when, on 15 May 2017, he visited the murder scene of Lwando Mantshontsho, a final year medical student who was brutally stabbed to death in a drinking brawl in at a student residence at the Walter Sisulu University in Mthatha.

Campus Safety Support Services will commemorate the first anniversary of the murder of Lwando Mantshontsho with the rollout of the first Campus Safety Training Program Workshop to be held on 16-20 May 2018 at the University of Zululand in KwaDlangezwa in the Kwazulu Natal Province.

The newly designed and customized Campus Safety Training Program is brainchild of the Campus Safety Support Services NPC in partnership with the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA). The program is comprised of 20 modules dealing with Gender-Based Violence, Alcohol and Substance Abuse and Civil Protests.

To commemorate the memory of Lwando Mantshontsho, Student Times will run a social media campaign from the day of his death on 12 May 2018 with a series of articles highlighting violent campus crimes in colleges and universities in South Africa.